So You Think You Can Dance - Finale S7

So You Think You Can Dance? No, not really. Actually, not at all. I know I can't! haha. But that doesn't stop me from connecting with this show. I love love LOVE this show. Every year, it seems that I get swept away with this competition and it's just a wonderful feeling. To be able to get a glimpse into the dancers real journey is great.

I get attached to certain dancers each season, and can't help but root them on whenever I so much as hear their name. Some, like Katee Shean or Twitch, have had rountins that will forever stick in my memory. I laugh at their stilly antics. I cry at their displays of emotion. I get angry at certain comments from the judges. But mostly, I sit in awe at their amazing athleticism.

This year's season seven of the show harelded in new format changes, new dance styles, but brought back some familiar faces. They invited an "All-Star" crew of past contestants back to partner with this year's top 11 dancers. I was glad to see them again, but I kinda wished they stuck with the old format. That way we'd get to see the new faces showcased a bit more.

Out of the top 11, my favourite was Alex Wong. A ballet dancer from Vancouver, who could surprising KILL any dance routine they threw at him no matter what the genre. I can't even describe how dissapointed I was when he got injured and had to withdraw from competition this year. I wish him a speedy recovery and hopefully he'll be back on the dancefloor doing what he loves again soon. Although, I still stick to my judgement that he would have won the entire thing if not for this unfortunate event. =(

Tonight, was the season finale of the show. Left standing were Kent Boyd, Lauren Froderman, and Robert Roldan. I think that all three of them deserved their spots (and in that order too). It was great show as usual, with guest stars and a redancing of the great hits of the year. (Even Alex was there!)

And at the end of it all, a winner was declared... Lauren Froderman!!! Now I really thought that Kent would win, but I'm not at all upset with this outcome. Kent is such a great young dancer that his oppertunities are pretty much boundless at this point. Go Lauren!

Don't be sad that SYTYCD is over for the season though. There's still So You Think You Can Dance Canada!! Season three premieres this Sunday, Aug 15th. Make sure to catch it on TV.

(ps: Wonderful filming location for the promo!
- I have my own personal reasons for loving it ^_^)

I got offered tickets to go see this years SYTYCDC top 20's live performance show, but I couldn't go cause I'd be out of town that date!! What horribleness. Hopefully I'll get more ticket offers though! If you're interested, you can try to get tickets on their website.

So You Think You Can Dance
So You Think You Can Dance Canada


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