Talk 1: Exercising

I think I shall have weekly Wednesday "talks". Since the majority of what I write about will be entertainment related (music, movies, tv, etc.), this will be the day where I will digress from those areas and blab on about some random topic. So on with the first topic:

Everybody knows that you're supposed to "eat healthy and exercise". Sometimes it's harder to stick to that mantra than not. You'll see that yummy bag of chips or you'll feel tired after a long day of work. There are so many different excuses and believe me, we've all taken quite a few.

I find that eating properly is just a matter of changing your lifestyle to accommodate healthier choices. I'm most definitly not talking about a crash diet, but more of a gradually shifting in your meal planning. This is something I'm working on... (but those desserts are just too good! haha)

Excercise on the other hand is hard to take up if you've never been very active. You'll get lazy and all of those excuses you have built up will just be an easy way out. You have to stay committed to the goal in order for it to work.

I personally like physical activities - swimming, squash, soccer. But with my busy schedule, I find that it's hard to find the time to fit them in. Work, school, studying, sleep - that's basically where the majority of my focus goes to. However, there's always a way to sneak some form of excercise in. For example, I have taken to walking home from (and sometimes to) work - that's a good 45-60 min walk each way. You may not think that walking is true excercise, but at least you are moving.

Also, on any days that I end up coming home early, I'll go down to the gym for about an hour. If you have any extra time that you didn't expect, this is a good way to invest it. Even if you are stuck at a desk doing work or reading, you could get small hand weights and do something with them while you sit.

Another great way to motivate yourself is to join fitness classes. Being with a bunch of other people usually does make me want to push myself a little bit harder. It's also nice to meet other people who have similiar interests with you. There are gyms and clubs in every city that you could join. If your city has a Lululemon Athletica store, I suggest you look into taken a class there. They offer free weekly classes to the community at just about all of thier locations. I've taken 2 types of yoga, zumba, and a "bootcamp" class there. They also have a running club that I'll probably test out one day (I want to build up more stamina first though).

There are a variety of things you can try out, no matter what your fitness levels are at. Some are high intensity (like running and aerobics), others are relaxing (like yoga or pilates). Go out and find something that will meet your needs and interests.

I'm going to leave you with the "lululemon manifesto" - something that that store has devised as rules to live by. I find that some of them are indeed interesting and valid points.


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